Create a Culture of Connection & Belonging
Inspiring Change through Evidence-Based Training
Bree Consulting:
Strengthening Connections: Enhancing communication for deeper, more meaningful relationships.
Promoting Inclusive Teams: Prioritizing compassion and inclusivity to foster a welcoming environment.
Why Bree Consulting?
Redefining learning experiences to empower communities.
Not just about workshops; it's about creating a lasting impact on individuals and communities.

Creating Lasting Impact
Workshops feature evidence-backed information and materials, providing participants with a solid foundation to develop and improve communication and relevant skills.
Ongoing Improvement:
A core element of my
approach involves continuous improvement, creating workshops that evolve based on participant feedback for a consistently professional and friendly experience.
Creating Safe Spaces:
Workshops are designed for safe discussions, space for growth, promoting non-judgmental interactions and inclusivity tailored to diverse participant needs, fostering individualized learning.
Elevate Teams, Empower Individuals, Strengthen Communities!
Teams, Individuals, & Communities Struggle in Silos
Teams struggle to find cohesion, individuals face personal growth challenges, and communities grapple with building positive connections. Typical training falls short, leaving a void in addressing the needs of teams, individuals, and communities.
The Hidden Costs of Neglected Development
The consequences: disconnected teams, limited personal growth, and communities lacking a sense of unity. The absence of a comprehensive solution inhibits progress on multiple fronts, hindering the full potential of collective growth and prosperity.
Bree Consulting: Bridging Gaps
With workshops tailored for teams, that empower individuals, and strengthen community connections. From team dynamics to personal growth and community building, my approach addresses diverse needs.
Evidence & Strengths Based
Bree Consulting specializes in evidence-based training facilitation, incorporating trauma-informed strategies into workshops*. With a focus on supportive, engaging, and interactive sessions, I provide impactful personal and professional development experiences.
* Mental health and wellness related workshops are for educational purposes only and not intended for diagnosis or as a substitute for professional medical treatment.

"Listen-Empathize-Agree-Partner ®
LEAP is an evidence-based approach that shows you how to quickly gain the trust of someone you are at odds with. . . LEAP is for any relationship, but it also gives you the tools you need to persuade someone in “denial” about mental illness to accept treatment and services. It grew out of Dr. Xavier Amador’s experiences."

Explore a diverse range of training programs, such as Compassion in the Workplace, Healthy Boundaries, and more. Discover practical solutions that promote the flourishing of you or your team. Reach out now to receive a comprehensive list of pre-designed workshops or to explore tailor-made training options crafted exclusively for you.

Available in all provinces with the exception of Alberta.